Reporting safety defects in Canada

Reporting safety defects in Canada  - Reporting safety defects - Safety - Volvo S60 Owners Manual - Volvo S60

If you believe your vehicle has a defect that could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform Transport Canada in addition to notifying Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.

Transport Canada can be contacted at:


Teletypewriter (TTY): 613 990-4500

Fax: 1-819-994-3372

Mailing Address: Transport Canada - Road Safety, 80 rue Noël, Gatineau, (Quebec) J8Z 0A1

    See also:

    Rain sensor
    The rain sensor automatically regulates wiper speed according to the amount of water on the windshield. The sensitivity of the rain sensor can be adjusted moving the thumb wheel up (the wipers w ...

    Storing stations
    To store a selected station under one of the station setting buttons 0 – 9 (2): 1. Set the desired station. 2. Press the button under which the station is to be stored and keep it depressed. The ...

    How TSA works
    Once swaying has begun, it can be very difficult to stop, which makes it difficult to control the vehicle and trailer. The TSA system continuously monitors the vehicle's movements, particularly ...