Volvo XC90

Volvo XC90

XC90 is a 4-door, 7-passenger luxury sport-utility.

See also:

Rear fog light
1. Switch off the ignition. 2. Carefully insert a small screwdriver (see illustration above). 3. Pry out the lamp housing. 4. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise and remove it. 5. Turn the b ...

Compatible formats
The media player can play a number of different types of files and disc formats, and is compatible with the formats listed in the following table. NOTE Dual format (double-sided discs) such as ...

Automatic Locking Retractor/Emergency Locking Retractor (ALR/ELR)
To make child seat installation easier, each seat belt (except for the driver's belt) is equipped with a locking mechanism to help keep the seat belt taut. When attaching the seat belt to a chi ...