Reporting safety defects in Canada

Reporting safety defects in Canada  - Occupant safety - Safety - Volvo XC90 Owners Manual - Volvo XC90

If you believe your vehicle has a defect that could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform Transport Canada in addition to notifying Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.

Transport Canada can be contacted at:

Teletypewriter (TTY): 613 990-4500
Fax: 1-819-994-3372
Mailing Address: Transport Canada - Road
Safety, 80 rue Noël, Gatineau, (Quebec) J8Z 0A1

    See also:

    Keyless drive remote key and driver's seat/door mirror memory
    • When you leave the vehicle with a PCC in your possession and lock any door, the position of the driver's seat and door mirrors will be stored in the seat's memory. • The next time a door is o ...

    Cargo compartment light
    1. Carefully insert a screwdriver and pry out the lens. 2. Pry out the bulb and replace it. 3. Press the lens back into place. ...

    This function plays the first ten seconds of each track/audio file. To start scanning: 1. Press OK/MENU. 2. Turn TUNE to Scan. > The first ten seconds of each track/ audio file will be played. ...