There are various types of decals in the vehicle whose purpose is to provide important information in a clear and concise way. The importance of these decals is explained as follows, in descending order of importance.
Risk of injury
Black ISO symbols on a yellow warning background, white text/image on a black background.
Decals of this type are used to indicate potential danger. Ignoring a warning of this type could result in serious injury or death.
Risk of damage to the vehicle
White ISO symbols and white text/image on a black or blue warning background and space for a message. If the information on decals of this type is ignored, damage to the vehicle could result.
White ISO symbols and white text/image on a black background. These decals provide general information.
The decals shown in the Owner’s Manual
are examples only and are not intended to
be reproductions of the decals actually used
in the vehicle. The purpose is to give an indication
of how they look and their approximate
location in the vehicle. The applicable
information for your particular vehicle can
be found on the respective decals in the
See also:
Operating DAC
Certain settings can be made from the menu
system controlled from the center instrument
The current system status can be checked on
the trip computer’s display by using the buttons
on ...
Location of the keyless drive antennas
Location of the keyless drive antennas
The keyless drive system has a number of
antennas located at various points in the vehicle.
1 On the tailgate, near the wiper motor
2 Left rear door handl ...
Fault tracing and actions
If the message Windscreen Sensors
blocked is displayed, this means that the camera
is obscured and cannot detect pedestrians,
vehicles or road marker lines in front of the
This, in t ...