Fast forward/reverse

Fast forward/reverse  - Connecting external devices - AUX/USB sockets - Infotainment - Volvo S60 Owners Manual - Volvo S60

Press and hold the forward/reverse. This is done at one speed for audio files but several speeds can buttons to fast forward/reverse. This is done at one speed for audio files but several speeds can be chosen for video files. Press the / buttons several times to increase the speed. Release the button to return to normal viewing speed.

    See also:

    The alarm indicator light
    The status of the alarm system is indicated by the red indicator light on the dashboard (see illustration): Indicator light off – the alarm is not armed The indicator light flashes at one-se ...

    This function makes it possible to change the channel access code. The default code is 0000. To change the code: 1. Select CHANGE CODE and press ENTER. 2. Enter the current code and press ENTE ...

    Use of Additives
    With the exception of gas line antifreeze during winter months, do not add solvents, thickeners, or other store-bought additives to your vehicle's fuel, cooling, or lubricating systems. Overus ...